What it means to be an entrepreneur and why risking it is worth doing techstars COO

So you want to be an entrepreneur? Just how hard is it to go out and venture on your own? In this article, we go through what it means to start a business from scratch and why the path may not be right for all of us. High paid cushy job - it may not be worth the risk.
Listen to those who have done it not those who have not- Ive done it
Ive been through top-tier accelerators like techstars (a top tech investor) and talking to investors while keeping a business running and its harder than you think.

Building a business is hard
Knowing first hand just how hard building a business is sites like founderbounty gives mentors and course coaching to help you succeed. you have to know the chances of failure are high and have to try to mitigate failure.
Validate your idea first wihtout spending on the product.
There is no point spending on the product if you have no validated your idea - once you have you can start spending on the idea.
If you don't risk anything you won't get anywhere in life
Life is about taking risks - and you should try something. If you can't afford to leave your job yet you can try and side hustle. Check out our site for some side hustle ideas to get you some extra passive income.