What business should I focus on building in 2024

What business should I focus on building in 2024

Being a VC scout and also knowing a little but about what investors are looking for in the world in 2024 im writing this for you guys to know what could work and whats not going to work. Remember there is no magic wand here. An idea may work but there are key themes in that investors are looking at.


These are still some of the top themes investors are looking at in 2024. So your the most likely to get venture capital funding if you go into these themes, but then again you.

Venture studios are cropping up like crazy everywhere as people pound into b2b SAAS test and try ideas. Remember ideas that are already being done does not mean they will fail in 2024. Its ok to copy but focus on a niche noone else is doing. Remember google was not the first search engine out there!


Climate tech

Sustainability is also another key theme that continues to grow and will do so over the next couple of years. Whether its hardware or software you are building you also have a good chance of getting funded here.

The company below just raised series C!

How to Build a 100M$ Portable battery charging startup with Instagrid’s Andreas Sedlmayr
We interviewed Andreas from Instagrid that just closed that 45M$ series B about what it takes to be a founder and how to build a portable battery company from scatch.


Whatever you are building test and try fast. Get customers, fail fast if you cant and move on. It should take you 6 months to test an idea.

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