How to manage your time as a business owner and CEO while building a startup.

How to manage your time as a business owner and CEO while building a startup.

Managing your time while building a business is one of the most important things. Good entrepreneurs will know when they have to do something and will set a priority list every day and every morning of what's more important and what's less important. This is the key to the growth of the business as a CEO will make decisions on the importance of specific tasks that need to be done.

I have raised venture capital and built Europe's first on demand fuel business backed by Top venture capitalist as well as exited a SAAS software is a service business. I prior to that I was working in investment banking so I have a little bit of experience in building businesses and wanted to talk to you about what I thought a business owner should spend time on either as a team or individually.

When the team when building a business or if you're alone as a CEO, every person within that team should have a very clear set of task that they need to do. For example, if they are the CTO, they need to be focused on the technology and work closely with the CEO to ensure that the operational element is closely linked to the technology so that the company can continue to grow.

The importance of a CEO will be to hire the right team to make sure they work together to make sure there's trust in the business to deal with investors to deal with the operational infrastructure of the business and ensure that revenue continues to grow. Quickly fire fast. If a CEO can see that a certain employee higher is not working, they need to take the initiative and fire that person very quickly.

The importance of a natural team fit is so essential to the successive accompany. It will Almost every investor and every venture capitalist will look at the synergies between the team members to see and understand if the business can work. Because with a solid team almost any business can fly off the shelf. This is the reality of things. Any investor will look at how good the team is the background of the team, the background of the members of the team and whether they think this team can scale the business to multibillion-dollar company. This is the reason why a lot of investors look at whether team members have worked together in the past because that will give them an indication of whether they'll be successful in their future roles.

My advice to anyone, looking to build a start-up is to work with people they enjoy working with, work with people that they trust, and that they have done something in the past with to try to sure they think they can be together in the long-term.

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