How to Start a Successful Blog Business in 2024

How to Start a Successful Blog Business in 2024

Creating a blog or newsletter is not easy. There are millions of blogs. So what is going to make yours unique, what is going to make it stand out from the rest? The point of starting a blog is either to push your business and get traffic to it or to get subscribers and monitize it in some way. You may also start a blog to show you are an expert in a certain area or space.

More blogs than podcasts so start a podcast too

There are 600 million blogs and only 2m podcasts so it may actually be good to get a podcast out there too. Podcasts are harder and take more time but it may be worth getting one out there too.

Focus on a niche.

Focus on a specific niche that people dont know about and that you know about in debth. This could be a good starting point before you venture into a more general broad audience.

Its about quality not quantity

Dont make the blogs to long and boring, make them engaging and exciting. Peoples attention spans is not very long so making them to long could cause problems.

If you have a business sell it on your blog

Building a business att the same time? Selling your business on your blog is a great idea.

Best email marketing tools you need for a blog:

  1. Mailerlite

Mailerlite is a software that allows you to create and publish your email marketing campaigns. You can also collect subscribers, access powerful features, including analytics and automation, and engage with your audience in an effective manner. It’s an advertising platform built around email marketing, so you’ll always receive high open rates and conversions. With Mailerlite, your recipients will never have to leave their inboxes! Its flexible with allowing content and definitely worth checking out!

  1. Active Campaign

Active Campaign is a great email marketing service for those that are just starting out with an email marketing platform. From HTML templates to landing page creation, Constant Contact can do it all. Although it may not have enough features to satisfy those who need a lot more out of their campaign, it is a great choice for small business owners who don’t have time to sift through the complex features of other platforms.

3. Covertkit

Covertkit is a great tool to get started. Although a little bit more on the expensive side its includes a bunch of features to help you get started with getting yourself out there.


  1. Email MARKETING - Mailerlite

Email lists are so important in building a business. Having an ROI as high as 4400%, you aim to devise email marketing campaigns with Postr. Remember whatever business your are building dont forget to grab the emails of your customers!

2. CRM system - hubspot

Everybody needs a CRM system and hubspot is just for that!

  1. Podcast: Riverside
  2. Website widgets - Commonninja
  3. Video Editing: Veed
  4. Domain registration: Namecheap

7: VPNSurfshark

8. Communication with your team - Slack

A great tool to be able to communicate with your colleagues - slack has it all. It has a ton of tools to be able to see your payments coming through stripe as well as integrates with just about anything!

9. Trends - Google trends

Keep your blog, site up to date. A great way to check on the keywords that will help push your SEO even further

10. Various growth tools - Canva

Such a useful tool whether your building a blog or getting pictures for your youtube thumbnail.

Canva allows you to drag and drop your own photos, icons and shapes to design beautiful images for free or premium accounts. Make your own logo, presentation slide, or Facebook cover with Canva!

11. Free pictures - Pexels

If your looking for some free pictures check this out - so many free pictures to make your newsletters look sweet

  1. Calendar: Meetergo
  2. Business bank account: revolut.

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