How to get into Venture capital by a former Lazard, Techstars COO

Getting into Venture capital is not easy at all. You may have all the right backgrounds, all of the right schools, and be the best of your class and STILL not be able to get into the space. It's extremely competitive and difficult to get into VC's like Index, Accel and YC. so if you think you can pick up your stuff.
What is venture capital?
Venture capitalists are private equity investors that provide capital to companies with high growth potential. They usually take a significant ownership share in the company and therefore, have a considerable degree of influence over strategy and operations. Because their investment model is based on the ownership of shares rather than the acquisition of debt, they have higher levels of risk but also has the potential for greater rewards
Ways to get in:
- Start investing yourself
Study and learn. Doing a CFA alone won't help you and neither will be a portfolio manager at Fidelity or a tier-one investment bank. But MBAs and masters can help you to network with people who may help you get into the very closed world. Certainly having been and interviewed at Ycombinator will help you to understand how startups work and may help you.
2. Network with the right people
Networking networking networking! Always valuable and always works. If you have been lucky enough to have sold your own company and are looking to help others VCs will most definitely look at this. If not it seems that going to a business school MBA with a buddy who has started a VC may be enough.
3. Go to industry events
Attending events is a great idea. It helps you learn about the industry itself and will help to move and gear you for what's next. I would highly recommend this. Any tech events or even Biotech events if your looking at the healthcare space may help you enter, like the annual TechCrunch event.
4. Get lucky
As you all probably know. Everything is about being in the right place at the right time. If you are lucky enough to have met the right person that can help you move in that direction you have hit the jackpot and run with it!
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