Why you should be using online courses to improve your career chances and where to find them

Why you should be using online courses to improve your career chances and where to find them

While the recession is upon us doing online courses are an essential part of getting a new role and growing your career. This is why we have put together a list of places you can get yourself up-skilled and prepared for the job market in 2023.

  1. founderbounty

Founderbounty is a great resource for a bunch of courses on helping anyone become an entrepreneur and courses from real proven entrepreneurs that can help you move forward and even help you create an extra income. It also has a bunch of resources on helping you improve your career.

Digital Courses include:

  • Copywriting and bringing traffic to your site (and how its done)
  • How to do affiliate marketing
  • How to start and learn about dropshipping
  • Crypto (the basics) - The risks
  • Freelancing (Fiverr and Upwork)
  • Stocks and bonds (the basics)
  • Amazon FBA (how to do it)

2. Cousera Courses

A great all round way with some interesting topics on building a business but usually very personalised on certain topics. This may not be so suitable for people starting from scratch and looking on ways of building a startup unless your looking for something specific.

3. Masterclass courses

A well know site with lots of talk about people who have made it but no real resources on how they did it and specific points on what you should be doing in 2023 to build a successful business and what venture capital really are looking for to be able to fund you.

4. Skillshare courses

A great place to learn a bunch of extra skills. Its is a learning community for creators. Anyone can take an online class, watch video lessons, create projects, and even teach a class themselves.

5. Fiverr courses

A bunch of courses that you can take to get yourself off the ground!

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