What is Carl Runefelt's Net Worth (2025) and how did he make it? A case study

What is Carl Runefelt's Net Worth (2025) and how did he make it? A case study

He looks like a young kid, has a youtube channel, and is worth around 1.1$bn USD. but how did he make it so big so quickly. With a ton of luck. We break down the numbers and his net worth and how he made it.

With millions of followers across social media, Carl is also the founder of The Moon: a social media platform that empowers people to succeed in crypto trading through educational content, technical analysis and news. He also gives $2,5 million yearly in sponsorship in Formula 2.

So with one million followers on Twitter, nearly 280,000 on Instagram, and around 500,000 subscribers on YouTube do they consider Carl Runefelt aka The Moon a crypto influencer? Not so fast! The self-proclaimed entrepreneur and investor prefers not to be referred to as such. "I've personally invested in almost 400 crypto startups, because I am extremely confident that crypto will dominate the world in the future," he says. "It may take another decade before we see mass adoption, which means that there is still a unique opportunity to 'get in early,' and invest in many of those companies that will be a dominant factor in the world in the future."

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Runefelt is not only an investor, but also a private entrepreneur and angel investor. He has invested in, among others, solana blockchain-based video game and metaverse Star Atlas, Polis governance token for the project, Victoria Virtual Reality Metaverse, and SolRazr as well as founded cryptojobs.

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The crypto entrepreneurs and investors have returned to their drawing boards in an attempt to reinvent themselves. But not Runefelt, he says that he has always been cautious, and it's his hope that the bear market of 2022 will teach everyone that same quality. "I try to always advise my community to stay away from buying certain tokens and non-fungible token (NFT) collections, because many of them are very bad projects with very unclear fundamentals," he explains.

How did he do it?

By driving traffic to exchanges like Binance, Bitflex and Bybit and investing that capital into over 400 crypto companies. One of the key tenets in Runefelt's philosophy for success is to seize opportunities, and that is why he has invested in Star Atlas, a blockchain-based and space-themed video game and metaverse. He also invested in Solana's decentralized developer ecosystem SolRazr, as well as Victoria Virtual Reality Metaverse. Some of his other famous investments include: Magic Craft, Medieval Empires, Ka App and 400 more.

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