Left finance and started a company that failed? What are your career options?
To be honest going back into finance is going to be very difficult and even working for a top startup like revolut will be difficult.
We have had founders who have been through this. Want to know whether a bank will look at you the same? They wont. Google, facebook, stripe and none of these "startups" you think will hire you probably wont.
You probably think that cause you tried to build a company mark Zuckerberg will hire you. He wont, he will go for a stanford MBA over you. (so maybe get into stanford if you can?)
You probably wont understand why and we wont either but feels like companies that want people who are too entrepreneurial.
These are important facts to know. Dont think everyone will want you just cause you build a startup. Unless you have exited for $200M plus, chances are no one will care. Not only that people will be jealous of you for every trying.
Keep this in mind when trying to build your next startup.
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Havard talks about the fact that a failed startup may be good for your career but we don't agree and most founders we speak to also don't agree.