Just like an employer would like someone with operating experience why do VC's still hire people with none?
When me and a colleague both ended up working in the same bank, after 5 years he went straight into a top tier VC. I went to build startups. He got an offer from a top tier VC. I didnt. Why is this? After its very clear that YC who is the best 600BN$ VC has billion dollar exited founders.
Is it cause of the funds investors feel more comfortable?
Could be. Investors should feel more comfortable with operational experienced VC;s rather then people who come straight from consultants or banks. The fund WILL perform better. YC has been killing it for years and backs companies like dropbox and airbnb and coinbase - so why do you feel afraid to hire people with operational experience?
YC just hired the 2x Billion dollar founder of Monzo
Get comfortable
We feel strongly about this subject. More VC's should follow the YC model and you will get more exits. Just doing follow on investments to YC companies does not make you a market leader in the subject. Strart to operate like one.