How do I cancel or unsubscribe from duo lingo in 2024?

How do I cancel or unsubscribe from duo lingo in 2024?

So your looking to cancel duolingo but dont know how to do it? We have your back:


  1. Sign into your duolingo account
  2. Make sure your username in the top Corner
  3. Click on the settings button
  4. Select duolingo plus
  5. Click on the 'cancel subscription and confirm


  1. Go to your phone settings > name> itunes and app store
  2. Click on the apple ID at the top of the screen, tap view apply ID (may need to sign in)
  3. Scroll and tap on Subscriptions
  4. Tap the subscription that you want to manage
  5. Tap Cancel subscription


Subscripted using your google play store account?

  1. Link to
  2. Check if your signed in to the correct google account
  3. On the left click my subscriptions
  4. Select the exact subscription you want to cancel
  5. Click manage and cancel subscription

Subscribe to the newsletter

Great! Check your inbox (or spam folder) and click the link to confirm your subscription.
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