How Ali Abdaal did $4M a year. Through content. He is actually a doctor. What is his net worth?

Ali Abdaal has a net worth of around $3,700,000. So you're listening to Ali about how you should grow your business and manage your time. But how is he currently building his business and doing 4M$ a year. Through content and telling you how he is doing it. Learning from this is key to growing any business. Multiple revenue streams from affiliate marketing to youtube ad revenue to selling you books. Anything to get your attention.
Ali Abdaal is a British physician, YouTuber, online educator, and entrepreneur. He was born on June 6, 1991, in England. Ali Abdaal is best known for his YouTube channel, where he creates content related to productivity, study techniques, career advice, and personal development. He has a medical degree from the University of Cambridge and currently works part-time as a junior doctor in the UK. In addition to his YouTube channel, Ali has created online courses, a podcast, and a newsletter, all focused on helping people to live a more productive and fulfilling life.
Alis expertise is on productivity - its a great YouTube niche to focus on and both google and youtube love it.
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Content is key - it proves you can do it too
Ali talks about his life as a doctor and how to manage your time to grow your own business. Its interesting to learn how many different revenue streams you can create from gaining a youtube audience. youtube ad revenue, youtube sponsored ads, books, affiliate link marketing, and various other ways.
Where else to look for people who really know how to build a business
Look at for sites like founderbounty who can provide real mentorship by entrepreneurs who have raised capital and VC's who can really help you grow a business from scratch.
Alternatives to learn how to start a business:
Learn how to build a business like the Ali:
Founderbounty is a great resource with courses from real entrepreneurs that an teach you about business, its basics and building one from scratch.
2. Cousera Courses
A great all round way with some interesting topics on building a business but usually very personalised on certain topics. This may not be so suitable for people starting from scratch and looking on ways of building a startup unless your looking for something specific.
3. Masterclass courses
A well know site with lots of talk about people who have made it but no real resources on how they did it and specific points on what you should be doing in 2023 to build a successful business and what venture capital really are looking for to be able to fund you.
4. Skillshare courses
A great place to learn a bunch of extra skills. Its is a learning community for creators. Anyone can take an online class, watch video lessons, create projects, and even teach a class themselves.