Who is Niel Patel and what is his net worth? A marketing millionaire genius. A case study.
He has a net worth of around 30$M. If you have not heard of him you probably should have. Niel Patel is everywhere, telling you how to do SEO with tons of case studies on what is working and what is not working. He runs his digital ad company NP Digital and which includes Ubersuggest (check your SEO for your site).
He teaches you about marketing - and then cross-sells his products.
Its a genius and very smart move. While building your business you should learn from it. He is not selling you his products directly but actually teaching you about marketing, the trends, what is working and what is not and at the same time able to sell you his various products on marketing, SEO and agency (which works with tons of top brands on bringing in traffic.
How to apply it to your business
Again the key is to talk and blog about the topic you are trying to sell. If you have a business on protein, maybe you should talk about the benefits of nutrition and how it can help and then cross sell your protein powder on the back of that.
His posts are informative, educational and based on the various bits of data that he has about what is working with SEO. We follow him and its extremely informative. If your doing digital marketing chances are you have heard of him and are learning about the key trends in the industry.
Useful content not selling your product
This is the KEY to making your own business successful!