How to avoid a burnout from a techstars founder

Burnouts are a very important part to building a business and its important to try to avoid them and to think about ways to build your business without burning out and so we have a few tips for you guys in order not to try to burnout. Building a business is hard and frustrating and things will not go your way many times. Its mentally hard and may also be hard for your family. Here are some tips to handle the stress.
- Take breaks
Do this - it will help you massively. Weather is short holidays to not make you think about work and your company. Take breaks during the day and weekends. Work smarter not harder.
2. Remember its not the end of the world
Remember if you fail the worst thing that can happen is that you go back to getting a job. It's not the end of the world and you will survive.
3. Keep in contact with your family and friends on a regular basis
Having support and a support structure is important when building. Keep in contact with people and dont isolate yourself when your building your company or startup. Do go social events and keep in touch with what is happening in the rest of the world!
Remember things could be worse, listen to experienced founders to try to avoid mistakes( you can use founderbounty to do this) Listen to founders who have raise money or exited so you can also learn and not to make the same mistakes.
Some mindset training below: